Seventy hectares of forested land just outside Ottawa’s urban boundary has recently been clear cut. Owned in a partnership between Taggart Investments and the Algonquins of Ontario (AOO), the clear-cut portion is designated “rural” and lies on the boundary of the jointly-owned section that was approved in 2021 for the Tewin development. The land being clear cut is in a category “considered” for urban development but not approved. Its location and ownership indicate that the future intent of Taggart and AOO is clearly development.
City staff had multiple reservations about approving Tewin because much of the parcel received very low scores on their development criteria. AOO responded that there were technical solutions to the city’s concerns. We understand there were also questions raised about the financial viability of the project that might require the city’s assistance.
After issuing a Stop Work Order on the clear cutting, the City determined that a permit was not required because the land is being leased by the owners for agricultural use, thus allowing tree removal.
Although it makes sense that farmers be allowed to remove a few trees that are damaged or present safety concerns, it makes no sense that the by-law should enable an area of 70 hectares to be clear cut. And there is no doubt that “agricultural use” is a loophole in the city’s Tree Protection By-law that the owners have exploited.
ReImagine Ottawa has written to the Mayor to ask what specific follow-up will be done to ensure the land is used for agriculture, for how long, and what will be done to tighten the by-law. Please add your voices.
ReImagine Ottawa joined the rally against clear cutting on the Tewin Lands on Sunday, March 12.


ReImagine Ottawa joins the chorus of outrage against the Tewin clear cut. See our letter to Mayor Sutcliffe & council. Add your voice! Here are their email addresses.